Leabhair Go Leor! Books Galore!
Leabhair Go Leor! Books Galore!
Leabhair Go Leor! Books Galore! a one-day conference celebrating children’s books written in Irish
Saturday, 8 October 2022, 9.30-5.00 Skainos Centre, Newtownards Road, Belfast
Come to iBbY Ireland’s first public event in Northern Ireland, celebrating the best of children’s books in Irish, and featuring Áine Ní Ghlinn, Laureate na nÓg
A one-day event that includes:
Talks on how to use and have fun with books
Workshops how to develop children’s books in Irish (or any language)
This day is for:
Teachers and classroom assistants teaching in Irish
Parents, grandparents and caregivers of children learning Irish
Librarians providing books in Irish to children and teens
Writers, illustrators, translators, and publishers who produce books in Irish
Speakers include
Áine Ní Ghlinn, poet, writer, dramatist Frances Quinn, Storyteller
Máire Zepf, writer Gordon McCoy, translator
Fionnuala Carson-Williams, folklorist Caitríona Nic Sheáin, publisher
Antain Mac Lochlainn, writer and translator
Bookstall with books in Irish for children and young adults available for sale
Presentations will be in a mix of Irish and English, accessible for all participants
Attendance is free, registration is required; lunches available when purchased in advance.
Register at EVENTBRITE: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/leabhair-go-leor-books-galore-tickets-411231994967
For more information email secretary@ibbyireland.org