Ireland a the 2017 Biennial of Illustration Bratislava

  Twelve illustrators were chosen to represent Ireland in the 2017 Biennial of Illustration
Bratislava (BIB), “one of the oldest international honours for children’s book illustrators”. The
BIB exhibition is held in conjunction with the IBBY Institute Bratislava Conferences and the BIB
International Symposium.
​Margaret Anne Suggs, a director on the Illustrators Ireland Board and
IBBY Ireland member, presented at a talk at the IBBY Conference: The Identity of the African-
American Child in 20th Century Picture Books.
This was Ireland’s first time submitting illustrations to the award and they were warmly
welcomed by the BIB/ IBBY committee and the Slovak Government.
The illustrators who were chosen to represent Ireland were: Sarah Bowie, Michael Emberley,
Jennifer Farley, Tatyana Feeney, Brian Fitzgerald, Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick, Olivia Golden, PJ
, Shona Shirley Macdonald, Lauren O’Neill, Margaret Anne Suggs, and Olwyn Whelan. IBBY Ireland was honoured to be part of the selection process before the summer.
The 2017 Grand Prix winner was Ludwig Volbeda from The Netherlands.